Warrior Events and Photos

St. Mary’s CHS Celebrates a First: Noah Sonser Awarded Prestigious Schulich Leader Scholarship

St. Mary’s Catholic High School Grade 12 student, Noah Sonser, has been named a Schulich Leader, securing a scholarship worth $100,000. This prestigious award places Noah among an elite network of national STEM scholars. Noah will be attending the University of Waterloo’s Physical Sciences program this fall.

The Schulich Leader Scholarships are highly coveted entrance scholarships granted to high school graduates pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) programs at 20 Canadian partner universities. These scholarships honour the top entrepreneurial-minded STEM students, recognizing those who exhibit academic excellence, leadership, charisma, and creativity. Out of hundreds of applicants nationwide, only 100 students are chosen annually, making Noah’s achievement particularly noteworthy.

Noah’s selection marks a historic moment for St. Mary’s, as it is the first time a nominee from the school has been selected for this honor. His nomination highlights the exceptional talent and dedication of St. Mary’s CHS students, reinforcing the high academic standards and supportive environment at the school. Noah’s success is a source of inspiration for his peers and a point of pride for the entire school community.

On learning of his selection, Noah expressed his gratitude: “This generous scholarship from the Schulich Foundation allows the STEM innovators of the future to study without financial worries. I look forward to using my passion for mathematical physics to change the world!”

Principal Mr. Tony D’Oria praised Noah’s hard work and dedication, saying, “We are incredibly proud of Noah and his outstanding achievement. He exemplifies the qualities of a Schulich Leader, and we have no doubt he will continue to excel and make significant contributions in the field of STEM.”

As Noah embarks on his exciting journey at the University of Waterloo, the entire St. Mary’s community extends its heartfelt congratulations and look forward to the remarkable accomplishments he will undoubtedly achieve in the future.

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tvra champs
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